Centre for Climate Change Research

Open university lecture


We cordially invite to the first CCCR open university lecture by Prof. Dr. Astrid OgilvieChair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the CCCR, (short bio), 'A fleet of silver, come to torment us”: Sea-ice variations off the coasts of Iceland from the Settlement to the Present' (abstract), which will be held remotely on the MS Teams platform on 6th December 20215 p.m. CET (UTC +01:00).

Link to access the lecture: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a0e3e66d2f46f4945af07ae72589a6163%40thread.tacv2/1636973468009?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e80a627f-ef94-4aa9-82d6-c7ec9cfca324%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%222183f238-1808-402d-8d8d-4b32bf3dd09b%22%7d

Photo credit: Frá Vopnafirði. Photographs of nineteenth-century faces: Icelanders in 1900 at https://lemurinn.is

Przemysław Wyszyński
Centre for Climate Change Research