Publications affiliated by CCCR
Importance of regional indices of atmospheric circulation for periods of warming and cooling in Svalbard during 1920–2018. International Journal of Climatology 41: 3481–3502,
, , , . 2021.Oliński P. 2021. Severe Winters and Interruptions in Shipping Traffic in The Port of Elbląg in The Period 1585-1700. World J. Agri. & Soil Sci. 7(3): 1-3. WJASS.MS.ID.000664. DOI: 10.33552/WJASS.2021.07.000664.
Opała-Owczarek M., Niedźwiedź T., Przybylak R., Tylmann W. 2021. Climate Change Before Instrumental Measurements. In: Falarz M. (eds) Climate Change in Poland. Springer Climate. Springer, Cham.
Pappert D., Brugnara Y., Jourdain S., Pospieszyńska A., Przybylak R., Rohr C., Brönnimann S. 2021. Unlocking weather observations from the Societas Meteorologica Palatina (1781–1792). Climate of the Past 17: 2361-2379,
Pötzelsberger E, Gossner M, Beenken L, Gazda A, Petr M, Ylioja T, La Porta N, Avtzis D, Bay E, De Groot M, Drenkhan R, Duduman M-L, Enderle R, Georgieva M, Hietala A, Hoppe B, Jactel H, Jarni K, Keren S, Keseru Z, Koprowski M, Kormuťák A, Lombardero M, Lukjanova A, Marozas V, Mauri E, Monteverdi M, Nygaard P, Ogris N, Olenici N, Orazio C, Perny B, Pinto G,Power M, Puchałka R, Ravn H, Sevillano I, Stroheker S, Taylor P, Tsopelas P, Urban J, Voolma K, Westergren M, Witzell J, Zborovska O & Zlatkovic M. 2021. Biotic threats for 23 major
non-native tree species in Europe. Scientific Data 8:210.
Przybylak R., Svyashchennikov P.N., Uscka-Kowalkowska J., Wyszyński P. 2021. Solar radiation in the Arctic during the Early Twentieth Century Warming (1921–1950) presenting a compilation of newly available data. Journal of Climate 34 (1): 21-37,
Puchałka R., Dyderski M.K., Vítková M., Sádlo J., Klisz M., Netsvetov M., Prokopuk Y., Matisons R., Mionskowski M., Wojda T., Koprowski M., Jagodziński A.M. 2021. Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) range contraction and expansion in Europe under changing climate.
Global Change Biology 27:1587-1600.
Slivinski L.C., Compo G.P., Sardeshmukh P.D., Whitaker J.S., McColl C., Allan R.J., Brohan P., Yin X., Smith C.A., Spencer L.J., Vose R.S., Rohrer M., Conroy R.P., Schuster D.C., Kennedy J.J., Ashcroft L., Brönnimann S., Brunet M., Camuffo D., Cornes R., Cram T.A., Domínguez-Castro F., Freeman E., Gergis J., Hawkins E., Jones P.D., Kubota H., Lee T-C., Lorrey A.M., Luterbacher J., Mock C.J., Przybylak R., Pudmenzky C., Slonosky V.C., Tinz B., Trewin B., Wang X.L., Wilkinson C., Wood K., Wyszyński P. 2021. An evaluation of the performance of the 20th Century Reanalysis version 3. Journal of Climate 34(4): 1417-1438,
Waszak N., Robertson I., Puchałka R., Przybylak R., Pospieszyńska A., Koprowski M. 2021. Investigating the Climate-Growth Response of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Northern Poland. Atmosphere, 12, 1690.